A few things we’re great at

What we do, why we exist, how we acheive our goals.


Work for the improvement of area lakes, rivers, creeks and streams


Strive to find solutions for issues that affect our Des Moines watershed


Work with local townships, county, state, and federal agencies to build relationships


Meet with legislative representatives to gain access to funds and change regulations, if needed


Tackle key projects including construction of flood retention structures to control water levels during extreme weather events

The Mission of Shetek Area Lakes Association shall be to work for the betterment of the lakes, rivers, creeks, and streams to include concerns about water levels, storm events, safety of campgrounds, residences and businesses. sedimentations and construction of retention structures. To work with Townships, Counties, State of Minnesota Agencies, federal agencies, engineers and farmers and landowners, using legislative procsses to gain access to funds and change egulations if needed.


(adopted 2018)

Membership Meetings

There shall be an annual membership meeting on a Saturday in June at 10:00 AM. Special membership meeting are allowed if requested by at least 20% of the current membership. Notice to all members must be sent at least twenty (20) days in advance.

Board of Directors

A. Nominations: The Board of Directors shall call for nominations at the annual membership meeting. A nomination committee will present names of those interested but nominations from the floor will be accepted.

B. Term Limits: The initial board members will be elected in three (3) categories, A, B, and C starting in 2018. Category A will be for one (1) year; category B will be for two (2) years, and category C will be for three (3) years. Each person is limited to two (2) consecutive terms. A three (3) year absence from the board is required before a person can be nominated again.

C. Committees: The Presidnet and the Board of Directors shall appoint members to committees established by the Board, such as a nomination committee.

D. Duties:
  1.     President: Preside at membership and board meetings and ensure the constitution and the by-laws of the Association are followed.
  2.     Vice-President: To act in the absence of the President.
  3.     Secretary: Publish the minutes of the membership and board meetings.
  4.     Treasurer: Supervise the safekeeping of all funds and property of the Association, keep record of financial transactions and furnish periodic
           financial updates. The Treasurer is allowed to pay bills of less than $100 without board approval.
   5.     Public Relations: To communicate with the local newspaper and radio stations of upcoming events and coordinating advertising. Send any
           communications to the general membership. Maintain the website.

E. Expenses: Directors can be reimbursed for out-of-the-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Association, such as postage, envelopes, etc.
           Mileage for attending meetings on behalf of the Association of fifty (50) miles or more will be reimbused at a rate of thirty (30) cents per mile.

Board of Directors Meetings

A.  Date a Time: Board of Directors meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Lodge of Shetek Lutheran Ministies.

B.  Agenda: The agenda of the Board of Directors meeting will adhere to the following format:
  1.     Call to Order by President
 2.     Reading of the minutes from the last meeting by the secretary. Vote to approved.
 3.     Treasurers report. Vote to approve.
 4.     Discussion of old business from prior meetings.
 5.     Discussion of new business.
 6.     Presentation by members as available.
 7.     Adjournment of meeting.

C:  Quorum: Six (6) directors, including at least one (1) officer, present at a meeting will constitute a quorum.

D.  Voting: A simple majority is needed to pass a decision. The presiding officer will only vote in the case of a tie.

E.  Special Meetings: The President and three (3) other directors can call for a special meeting with at least five (5) day notice given to all directors.

F.  Open to All Members: All paid up members are welcome to attend any Board of Directors metting. If they desire to present an item of concern
     or interest to the board, it is requested that the member ask to be included on the agneda at least three (3) days before the
     meeting.  Presentations by members are limited to five (5) minutes unless more time is approved by the board.


Annual dues shall be ten ($10) dollars and are payable by June of each year, and are to be used in support of the mission, policies, and objectives of the Association.  Excess funds not needed for the general operations can be used to defray costs of the annual membership meeting.

Amendment of By-Laws

These By-Laws may be altered, amended, or repealed only by a simple majority vote of the members present at a membership meeting or special meeting.


(adopted 2018)

Our Mission Statement

The Mission of Shetek Area Lakes Association shall be to work for the betterment of the lakes, rivers, creeks, and streams to include concerns about water levels, storm events, safety of campgrounds, residences and businesses. sedimentations and construction of retention structures.  To work with Townships, Counties, State of Minnesota Agencies, federal agencies, engineers and farmers and landowners, using legislative procsses to gain access to funds and change egulations if needed.


Memberships in the Association shall be open to all persons. age 18 or older, making use of the Lakes watershed for residence, camping, business or recreation.  Evidence of membership shall be the payment of annual dues as established in the Association by-laws.

Membership Meetings

Membership meetings shall be held in accordance with the Association’s by-laws forthe purpose of establishing Association policy and objectives, updating the constitution and by-laws of the Association as required, and electing directors.  Each member in good standing shall have one vote at the membership meetings and decisions are by simple majority vote of the members present, with the exception of amendments to the constitution.

Board of Directors

A Board of Directors consisting of five officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations, and six (6) at-large directors selected from the members established in the by-laws, shall be authorized to manage the affairs of the association in accordance with the constitution, by-laws, objectives and policy directives of the members.  Term limits shall be in accordance with the policy established in the Association by-laws.

Board of Directors Meetings

The board of Directors shall have monthly meetings at a date and time established in the Association by-laws.  The number of directors present at a meeting to constitute a quorum is established by the association by-laws.

Constitutional Amendments

This Constitution may be alterd, amended, or repealed only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at a membership meeting, provided notice was sent to all members of the intent to modify this constitution at least (20) days in advance of the meeting.